OTHM Qualifications

OTHM Qualifications


An Ofqual regulated Awarding Organisation

OTHM Qualifications is approved and regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) in England and recognized by Qualifications Wales.


Master of Business Administration (MBA) (top-up)

The MBA (top-up) programme is delivered through London Graduate School.

An MBA is widely seen as a passport to a successful career. It demonstrates the breadth and depth of your functional competence, strategic knowledge, and problem-solving ability. This MBA is not just an academic course. By exploring and examining real-life business problems to work on and solve, you enhance your own understanding of how a business works.

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London Graduate School - OTHM Qualifications With Global Risk Management Institute In India By Post Graduation Diploma In Risk Management (PGDRM) Course & Financial Risk Management (FRM) Course.

London Graduate School

We are glad to announce that the Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management course (PGDRM) programme is now also integrated with the OTHM International Diploma in Risk Management (Level 7) Diploma in Risk Management (Qualification Number: 603/6782/9 https://www.othm.org.uk/othm-level-7-diploma-in-risk-management.html). The OTHM International Diploma in Risk Management (Level 7) diplomas on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) are at the same level as master’s degrees. While all GRMI Students and Alumni receive OTHM awarded certificates on completion on the PGDRM (Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management) Programme, the new integrated programme will allow students to complete and be awarded an OTHM-OFQUAL regulated International Diploma in Risk Management (Level 7) Diploma in Risk Management. OFQUAL qualifications are fully recognised by all UK universities as Ofqual is a Statutory body in UK and therefore they have maximum currency. Cleared PGDRM Students are awarded 5/6 paper exemptions to complete the above certification. 1 non-exempt paper can be given during or after the PGDRM Programme.

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