Changes in regulations in India and globally over the years have made the task of board members and Independent Directors more onerous over a period of time. The Leadership Team at GRMI includes some of the leading Independent Directors associated with the institute for risk programmes, who are of the view that there is a significant lack of appreciation of the need to apply the risk lens in the decision-making process.
This gap exposes organizations to the potential risk of sub-optimal decision-making and also does not challenge the management and leadership team sufficiently on their Risk Management practices.
Our endeavor is to deliver insightful and practical learning sessions to Independent Directors on Risk Management. This in our view would be a very significant contribution by GRMI (Global Risk Management Institute) to the overall business world in India. We believe this will achieve the following:
- Allow Independent Directors to be better equipped to discharge their responsibilities in the boards they serve;
- Equip Independent Directors to drive enhanced and more evolved Risk Management procedures in organizations whose boards they participate in;
- Create a better ecosystem of board-level leadership in India that can only augur well for improved Corporate Governance and Risk & Compliance in a country that is being talked about as the Country of the Future.