Why Should One Pursue a Career in Risk Management?

What does a career in risk management hold?


Om Prakash Aditya, PGDRM July’21-22

Risk has always been an inherent part of every business. Risks, not appropriately leveraged have led to the ruin of many businesses worldwide. Even then, the understanding of risk and its impact still remains at a nascent stage in our country. After the covid-19 pandemic, businesses worldwide started to evaluate the risks associated with their business, and the demand for risk management professionals shot up worldwide. Risk management, which was once taught as a minor part of the management syllabus in colleges has come to be taught as a standalone discipline, catering to the many-fold increase in demand for risk assessment and mitigation. A career in risk management, therefore promises exciting opportunities across all verticals of the industry. It involves a thorough study of the processes, strategies, and objectives of a business and then identifying and mitigating the risks associated with them. The value that it adds to business in terms of risk assurance translates to immense career growth for risk management professionals.


Saurav Nath, PGDRM July’21-22

A career in Risk management is the new calling. It is now stopped being looked at as a cost center by organizations and is now perceived as a division critical to business growth. It acts as the lynchpin to meeting business objectives. With the changing era and dimensions, the portfolio for handling risk is also being transferred to risk-smart professionals. Thus a career in risk management right now is the talk of the town and it will always be in the coming years.


Madhusai Reddy Jwala, PGDRM July’21-22

In my opinion, the one major factor would be the dynamic nature of work in the field of risk management. The understanding of the business processes and the analytical skills involved gives one the best exposure to the business industry. Also, considering the current scenario, incidents like the financial crisis, the Covid-19 epidemic, and several corporate failures, the concept of risk management have grown increasingly important and vital and it is undergoing a huge growth potential.


Mayank Kothari, PGDRM July’21-22

Risk is an intrinsic part of all business organizations, moreover, nowadays the performance of organizations is measured by how they are dealing with the day-to-day risks. This also shows the ability of businesses to survive in the market in the long run. In the next 10 years, the demand for risk professionals is likely to increase to a level where there will be a huge gap in the demand and supply of risk professionals, so I think this career is one of the best options for the generation to opt for.


Aditya Malik, PGDRM July’21-22

With the rapidly changing business environment, there is a high chance of various risks arising such as geopolitical risks, economic shutdown, etc. It is very important for the organizations to identify them and convert them into opportunities for the long-term sustainability of the company. I think organizations are realizing this more than ever in the current period which is why the demand for this field is touching the sky. Also, according to reports, by 2026, the worldwide value of this sector alone is anticipated to be Rs. 3,89,902 crores ($52.33 billion)



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